Reasons to Fly on Christmas Day!

Flight on Christmas day

Happy Christmas to me! It’s Christmas day and I’m at the airport ready to fly to Cambodia! Now I understand that flying on Christmas day is not everybody’s cup of tea, but let me tell you this….it’s the first time I have ever been away from home for Christmas and my first ever Christmas day flight and….I LOVE IT!

Reasons why you might not want to Fly on Christmas Day

Family Commitments

Of course some people don’t see much of their family members other than Christmas, and so they prioritise being at home for the holiday period. I have a small family who I’m close to and see frequently, so it’s not too much of a problem for me to travel.

Will I be sad about missing Blake dog at Christmas? Yep. Will I be making it up to him on my return with pressies galore? Absolutely!


I also get that some people are religious and want to attend Church on Christmas day itself. Believe it or not, although I’m ‘templeseeker’ I’m not actually practising any religion devoutly. I take an interest in all old religions and religious buildings from an academic, historical and spiritual point of view. But I’m not a practising Christian. I like a bit of Christianity. And a bit of Hinduism. And a bit of Buddhism. Oh I could go on! But I don’t have to be anywhere on Christmas day from a religious perspective.

In fact, many Christians choose to travel on Christmas day due to the cheap flights and great winter destinations. They can still celebrate either side of the flight.


It’s so easy to slip into routine at Christmas time. The tree, the stockings, the mulled wine of Christmas eve and the present opening on Christmas day – it’s often difficult to break tradition. But why not try something different once in a while? Like a Christmas beach Barbecue in Australia?!

I’m about to take my first Flight on Christmas Day!

Despite the many objections, I completely say yes to taking a flight on Christmas day. It’s 25th December and I just woke up in the Heathrow Hilton and ordered a breakfast with room service! Me and my Mom will be heading to Phnom Penh in Cambodia with a quick stop for food and drinkies in Beijing! The Christmas excitement is still there, but on an even bigger scale, because it’s Christmas combined with an international trip! I’m a total convert to taking flights on Christmas day and here’s why…

Reasons to take a Flight on Christmas Day

1. It’s Goddam CHEAP!

If you look at the flight schedules and prices for long haul flights, you will often see them quite expensive in the few days up to Christmas (between 20th and 24th) due to people rushing to get home for Christmas, and also there are some expensive flights after (between boxing day and 1st Jan) due to the New Year rush.

2. It’s less Crowded

The airports are still quite packed on Christmas, but not as busy as the day before Christmas Eve and the day after boxing day. Miss the crowds and lower your airport anxiety by actually travelling on Christmas day.

3. It makes you look BADASS!

Ask people what they are up to for Christmas and you might hear ‘cooking a meal for my partner,’ ‘taking the kids to their Grandparents’ or ‘Building a snowman’. It’s not very often you will hear ‘flying to Bali for a 3 week solo trip.’ People will be jealous…and although they might not say it, you will look Baddass!!!

4. There are some Amazing Christmas Holiday Destinations for Winter Sun

Winter is the best time to head to my favourite part of the world – South East Asia. Yes some of the popular Solo Travel Asia destinations such as Thailand, Cambodia and Myanmar are great to visit in December, with their peak tourist months being November to February. Many people head to the beaches of Thailand for the winter sun, with temperatures often between 25-30 degrees.

Amy in Thailand

5. It’s a Good time to use Annual Leave from Work

Due to the way that Christmas and New Year fall, you can often get a good proportion of time off work over the Christmas period (depending on your line of work) because some days are already bank holidays or office closures. Many people can book 5 days off and get almost two weeks over Christmas and new year – a great amount of time off for travel and relaxation.

6. Avoid the Christmas Consumerism

The more that time goes on and the more that I travel, the more I realise how much we can actually live without. I like to avoid the Consumerism of Christmas and Live a More Minimalist and Stress free Lifestyle by travelling during the holidays. I’m an advocate of experiences over things.

No stress of decorating the house or the tree because hey – you’re not even gonna be here! Someone else can decorate the tree for you in a nice hotel while you sip prosecco in the bar!

Hong Kong Marriott Christmas Tree

Also, you can let people know that you won’t be doing gift exchanges as you are not here – gets rid of all the needless crap I seem to acquire every year. If people (like close family) are insistent on gift giving you can ask for hotel vouchers or currency to travel with. You can do buying drinks for each other on your return. Cut the crap – live the dream!

7. The Christmas Cheer will follow Wherever you Go!

It’s a really jolly time to fly out of London and New York, with people wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and gathering carol singers. The traditions will follow you wherever you go so that you don’t have to feel like you’re missing out. It’s actually a really wonderful time to travel.

What ever you are up to this Christmas time, I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Leave me a comment on my blog to let me know what you are up to, whether home or away.


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