Tag Archives: Greece

Sanctuary of the Egyptian Gods, Nea Makri

Sanctuary of the Egyptian Gods Nea Makri

When you think about Greece and Greek history, you imagine the Greek monuments such as the Parthenon and the temple of Zeus. It may surprise you to hear that there is actually a sanctuary of the Egyptian Gods in Nea Makri, which lies on the coast to the East of Athens, the Greek Capital. Interestingly, […]

St Ephraim of Nea Makri – A beautiful Greek Orthodox Monastery

Saint Ephraim Monastery Nea Makri

This week, I’m here in Nea Makri, Greece, finding out about St. Ephraim (St. Ephrem) at the nearby monastery. St Ephraim, also known as St. Ephraim the New Martyr, was a Christian saint and martyr who lived in the late 18th century and early 19th century. He is venerated as a saint in the Eastern […]