Prepare yourself – the Churches of Barcelona are absolutely stunning. Take a budget particularly for going into Churches – especially if you are like me and love beautiful Church architecture inside and out. The most famous Churches in Barcelona include the Cathedral and La Sagrada Familia. But there are so many more tucked away or up on top of hills that you may want to find! Here’s my top 10….
The Best Churches in Barcelona
La Sagrada Familia
Anyone visiting Barcelona should make a point of visiting La Sagrada Familia. The Sagrada Familia is without a doubt Barcelona’s most famous church, and after you see it for yourself, you’ll understand why. This is an incredible work of art that you must see in person because photographs do not do it justice. And you should note that the inside is even more beautiful than the outside – the way that the light shines in through the stained glass windows is phenomenal.

Tours of the Basilica range in price from 20β¬ to 33β¬, but you should book ahead of time because they will sell out quickly if you try to buy them on the spot. Every Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 9 a.m., as well as on the eve and day of all major holidays, the Roman Catholic Basilica in Barcelona is available to the public for mass. These are all international masses that will be held in many languages, so make sure you schedule your day around them because they will last longer than your typical mass. These events are all free, but you must arrive early because seating is limited.
Cathedral of Barcelona
This majestic Cathedral, which is home to the Archbishop of Barcelona and is one of the most unusual Cathedrals due to its location and history, is in the heart of Barcelona’s Gothic Quarters. Anyone interested in cathedrals, the Gothic period, mediaeval times, or the Crusades should visit this cathedral. The Cathedral of Barcelona is one of the city’s oldest churches, dating back to 1292 when it first began construction. It is a Roman Catholic church that is still open to the public in Barcelona.
Masses are held every weekday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. If you wish to visit the Cathedral of Barcelona, go on Sunday; it will be a little busier, but it will be less expensive than the rest of the week. If you go during the week, it will cost you 7β¬, but regardless of when you go, it is well worth it, and it is highly recommended that you take the elevator to the roof for a wonderful view.
Basilica de Santa Maria Del Mar
In Barcelona, there are several churches, many of which are hidden away in less well-known places. These less-traveled and less-touristy back roads lead to some fantastic locales with plenty to see and do. You’ll be able to find Baslica de Santa Maria del Mar among the many amazing restaurants and boutiques in the region. The immense size of this cathedral, as well as its fantastic position, nestled away in the streets of Barcelona, make it must-see. The construction of this magnificent Basilica began in 1329 and was completed in 1383.
Whether you’re looking for a tour or to attend mass, you’ll find it easy to get into the church. From 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., Santa Maria del Mar is open. Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 2 There will be plenty of time to view the church, so buy a ticket for a tour of the church for 10β¬ and up to the roof top and towers for 8,50β¬ if you have the opportunity, and don’t forget to bring your student ID for a discounted cost.
Sant Pau Del Camp
Anyone interested in history or monasteries should visit Sant Pau del Camp. The church was erected in 977, and no one knows who the architect was at the time, but we do know it was designed in the Romanesque style. This one is the tiniest, yet it’s nonetheless famous for its extraordinary antiquity and fascinating history.
For a little fee of 5β¬, you can visit this church, which is open Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Sant Pau Camp is closed to the public on Sundays. Sant Pau del Camp is easy to find, being just a few blocks from La Rambla and a 10-minute walk from the iconic Mirador de Colom.
The Temple Expiatori Del Sagrat Cor (Tibidabo Church)
The two tier Temple Expiatori del Sagrat Cor or Tibidabo Church is a must-see for everyone who like Churches, mountains, and amusement parks. This is one of the most beautiful Churches in Barcelona with fabulous mosaics in the lower temple. The location is famous for its beautiful view and the architecture of the minor Basilica with the statue of Jesus on the top of the steeple overlooking all of Barcelona.

It is located on top of Mount Tibidabo and shares the mountain’s summit with the Tibidabo Amusement Park. You will need to take the Funicular to get up to the Church and the Amusement park. This is also Barcelona’s highest point. You will be standing at 564 metres above sea level at the top of the Temple Expiatori del Sagrat Cor.

The construction of this Barcelona church began in 1902 and was completed in 1961. The church is open from 11 a.m. to 5:45 p.m. Monday through Sunday, and I recommend spending the 5β¬ to ride the elevator to the top of the church and then go up the stairs to the top of the steeple. From the highest point in Barcelona, you will be standing directly beneath the statue of Jesus, with a panoramic view of the entire city.
Santa Maria Del Pi
It is one of Catalonia’s largest. A 14th-century Gothic depiction of the Virgin of the Pines may be found inside the church. The cathedral also features a museum with a valuable collection of gold and jewellery, as well as some remarkable mediaeval funeral escutcheons that are unique to Catalonia. It has a single large nave with some Gothic stained-glass windows that have survived. Sturdy buttresses support the structure, giving it its unique horizontal shape. This basilica, like other churches in the city, has witnessed some of the city’s deadliest episodes. With the ringing of the bells, it played a crucial part in the War of Succession, boosting the morale of the people. It has survived pandemics, bombings, fires, and all of life’s ups and downs, and it is still standing.
It is unclear when the first stone for this church, which stands between Pi and Sant Josep Oriol plazas, just a few blocks from the Mercado de la Boquera, was set. Its construction is dated to the fifth century by most documentary sources.
An octagonal bell tower with six bells adorns the top of the church. Antonia is the largest and most magnificent of the three. The tower stands 55 metres tall, and you may climb all the way to the top to see one of Barcelona’s most magnificent views.

The church is open from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday, including holidays. The general entrance price is around 5 euros, but you can pay an extra 10 euros to gain access to the bell tower and crypt. The website does not specify a dress code, although shorts and sleeveless tops should be avoided. It is close to the metro station Liceu.
Reial Monestir De Santa Maria De Pedralbes
The Reial Monestir de Santa Maria de Pedralbes which is like Sant Pau del Camp, is a lovely monastery that makes a nice departure from Barcelona’s elaborate churches. But hold your horses, since the monastery is also a touch opulent. Not so much in terms of structure and architecture as much as in terms of colour and visuals. The beautiful cloisters of the historic site were designed in a classic Catalan gothic style to enchant visitors as they walked around and toured the grounds. A glittering mosaic may also be found in one of the gardens. A pleasing contrast of hues to lure the eyes.
It was built in the early 14th century and depicts nuns’ daily lives, while the Pedralbes Monastery Museum houses ecclesiastical art from the 14th to the 20th centuries. The Pedralbes Monastery is located just outside of the city centre, yet it is easily accessible by bus. The monastery is stunning, with a great well-kept park. It is beautiful and cool, especially in the summer, and you may enjoy a serenity that is hard to come by in Barcelona.
Betlem Church
The Betlem Church is in the centre of Barcelona. This early church, considered one of Barcelona’s most excellent specimens of Baroque architecture, was completed in 1553 in the area presently occupied by the apse. The current temple was constructed between 1680 and 1732. A striking and peculiar diamond design is strongly imprinted on the bricks on the exterior masonry. The lower half of the church is covered in diamonds, but halfway up it abruptly turns to plain bricks. Over time, the traffic and busy road have discoloured the stone and brickwork. The interior is wonderful, with architectural marvels, serenity, and religious awe.
Further reading on Barcelona
I hope that you enjoyed this blog on the best Churches in Barcelona. I’d highly recommend that you visit some if not all of these! If there are any Churches that you feel I have missed that should be on this list, please drop me a message and let me know.
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